• Logging the Punga

    $70.00 inc. GST
    The story of Ellis & Burnands sawmilling operation at Manunui near Taumarunui. For 60 years, from 1901, the Company was a central part of the township that grew up around the sawmills. Over that time hundreds of people worked in the mill, box factory, veneer works, and bush gangs. Ken Anderson wrote the histories of Ellis & Burnands other large King Country mills at Ongarue and Mangapehi, Sparse Timber Sawmillers and Maoriland Sawmillers. He had partially completed the Manunui story before his death and his old mate Ron Cooke, along with Audrey Walker, have completed the job under the auspices of Taumarunui & Districts Historical Society Inc. Ron's influence is apparent in the hundreds of black and white photos of action at the mills, lokeys on the tramways, haulers in the bush, village life and all other aspects covered in the 392 A4 sized paged book. The book begins with profiles of the Company founders, JW Ellis, Harry Burnand and Henry Valder.
  • Maori Sawmillers

    $55.00 inc. GST
    Ken Anderson's 2008 book on the Mangapehi operations of Ellis & Burnand has been reprinted due to popular demand. The curiosity of Ken was aroused back in 2004 by stories he had heard of a Maori lady who sat on the tramway to disrupt milling operations so he set about to discover more. After much research through official records Ken uncovered a continuing saga of dissatisfaction with E&B by some of the Maori owners of the land. Their biggest gripe was not being adequately paid with royalties. That's only an appetiser as there was much much more of interest that happened over the 68 years that Mangapehi survived the up and down life of the timber industry. View Sample
  • A group of enthusiasts began researching the history of Taringamutu Totara Sawmills Ltd in the early 1970s. They collected many stories and photos from people who had worked the bush and mills on the outskirts of Taumarunui. Since then one of their number, the late Ken Anderson, wrote a manuscript which has now been added to and completed by Ron Cooke. The long awaited story of the five mills and extensive tramways of the operation between 1903 and 1971 is now available. View Sample
  • It covers the entire span of the years of bush workings, tramline and mill operation from 1903 until the mill closed in 1966. Kens meticulous research and use of maps and photos produced a much sought after book and his initial print run soon sold out. The fame of the magnificent tramway will soon be rekindled when The Timber Trail, Pureora - Ongarue cycle way and walk way opens, due late 2012. The Department of Conservation has done a splendid job of restoring the tramways spiral and building replica viaducts. This book tells the story of the remarkable feat of the original construction and the timber extraction that followed. Ken first published this comprehensive account of Ellis & Burnands Ongarue sawmilling operation in 2007. Since his death in 2008 his children have entrusted his work to Taumarunui & Districts Historical Society. We are delighted to present this reprint.
  • Servicing Caterpillar

    $60.00 inc. GST
    The story of the Taumarunui branch of Gough Gough & Hamer Ltd through the eyes of retired serviceman, Ken Anderson. Like most tradesmen Ken started his working life in various other locations. In 1951 he served his apprenticeship as a fitter and turner at Wanganui Engineering Works Ltd then a spell with NZ Railways where he was involved with the repair of earthmoving equipment that set him off on his eventual career. He gained certifications in diesel mechanics at Kaingaroa then, in 1962, moved to Taumarunui as Service Foreman for Goughs where he spent ten years. It was during this decade that he began "poking around" the remains of old sawmill sites and machinery used in that industry. The result of this "on-hands" research led him, many years later, to write up the history of Goughs involvement in the King Country with this well-illustrated 200 page book being the only works showing the development of Caterpillar tractors in the area. A must have for every mechanically minded red-blooded male's bookshelf. View Sample
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